15 Mins Pranayamas For Disease Free Living

What is Pranayama and its benefits?

The progress of medical science has eradicated many diseases but has still not led to a healthier human population. A lot of afflictions and diseases which were not common in ancient times have become highly common these days. Stress and pressure are proving to be lethal factors leading to several life-threatening diseases. Furthermore there's noise pollution, air pollution, lack of physical activity, overcrowding, bad food habits that are adding to the woes of the people all over the world. The remedy lives in one of the most important weapon as said in ancient Indian culture and Yoga has given us, that is Pranayama. Pranayama is not just an effective way to cure these disorders but also the only way to have a happy content and a healthy life. Yoga and Pranayama have tremendous contribution to human life.


What is Pranayama breathing?

Pranayama means prana ie the energy and yama means control, so pranayama literally means control of your breathing. Do you know that we hardly use 10 to 15 percent of our lungs. We are not even using our full lung capacity so this pranayama which as it is written in our ancient yoga texts, helps us to learn more about our own breathing mechanisms. So, pranayama helps us to create this awareness about our own breathing in our body. It is useful both for prevention as well as treatment of diseases in human body. For People who do not have any problems or any diseases, pranayama helps to improve the oxygen capacity of their lungs and we all know that more oxygenation more our cells are healthy and more we are able to prevent the deadly diseases like heart disease, cancer and the other terminal diseases.

10 scientifically proven benefits of Pranayama

  • Improves Hypertension
  • Improves metabolism and digestive system function
  • Boosts immunity
  • Aids weight loss and healthy eating habits.
  • Strengthen the respiratory track and helps to cure respiratory problems
  • It helps to relax and soothes the mind
  • Aids to relieve extreme stress and mood imbalance
  • Improves post traumatic stress disorder symptoms
  • Reduces Insomnia and improves sleep quality
  • Reduces stress hormones

How do you practice Pranayama?

Let us do a little exercise to understand how to practice Pranayama and what are its benefit. Stand comfortably and evenly on your two feet. You shouldn't be on your heels or on your toes. Center yourself and then notice your breath. Breathe deeply and try to stay away from shallow chest breathing. Take a few minutes just to focus on your breath. Now it's time to link your breath and movement by gentle stretching style. When you breathe in raise your arms and when you breathe out lower your arms. Simple as that. Keep your shoulders down and relax your hands. If you want you can spend 20 minutes doing this. The simple stuff is good stuff.

Now, spend a little time taking stock of how you feel. Answer the following questions honestly to yourself.
  • What do you think of yoga now that you've tried it for the first time?
  • How did you feel before your yoga practice? What worries were you focusing on?
  • How did you feel during the exercise?
  • How does your breathing feel now? Do you notice the difference in your posture? 
  • What about any changes in your mood? 

15 mins Pranayamas daily for disease free living:

1. Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing):

Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

This is also known as Nasi Shdodhana. Sit in padmasana with eyes closes and close the right nostril with right thumb. Through the left nostril inhale slowly, taking in enough air as you can to fill your lungs. Then exhale through the right nostril after removing the thumb from right nostrils and placing the middle finger on left nostrils to close it. Now while the left nostril is closed inhale through right nostril, then remove the middle finger from left nostrils and place back the thumb on right nostril and exhale through left nostril. This makes one complete cycle. Continue this for 3 mins.


  • It normalizes blood pressure.
  • It aids in blood purification.
  • It reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • It also improves sight

2. Bhramari (Bumble Bee Breath):

Bhramari (Bumble Bee Breath)

With your thumbs close your ears and place your index finger on the temple. With the other three fingers close your eyes. Inhale gently through your nose and hold your breathe for a few seconds. Then exhale by making a humming sound by keeping your moth closed. Repeat this for 5 times. 


  • It calms down the mind instantly.
  • It rids the mind off anger, anxiety, frustration and agitation, thus the best exercise for distress.

3. Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath or Ocean Breath):

Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath or Ocean Breath)

Start by inhaling and exhaling in normal manner. Then block the free flow of air by bending down your head and inhale as long as you can by making a sound from your throat. Hold it for 2-5 seconds and then exhale through left nostril by closing the right nostril with right thumb. Repeat this for 10-12 times in 3-5 mins.


  • The sound vibrations sharpens the focus of your mind.
  • It helps to cure Thyroid.
  • It reduces snoring.

4. Kapalbhati (Skull Shinning Breathing):

Kapalbhati (Skull Shinning Breathing)

Inhale naturally, breathing in as much air as you can and exhale with full force. While exhaling try to pull your stomach muscles as hard you can towards your backbone. This is the technique of passive inhalation and active exhalation. Continue for 3 mins.


  • Improves functioning of all organs in abdomen.
  • It aids to reduce belly fat.
  • It helps in quick weight loss.
  • It helps to balance the sugar level of the body.

5. Bhastrika:


Inhale as much air as you can with a deep breathe. Then expand your stomach and exhale forcefully trying to bring your naval towards your backbone. It is characterized by sounds like flame burning below a furnace. Repeat this for 3-4 mins.


  • It clears the respiratory system especially the wind pipe and strengthen your lungs.
  • It helps burn excess fat.
  • It improves physical and mental abilities.

While performing all these pranayamas sit straight in cross legged position and keep your eyes closed. Focus on your breathing and keep positive thoughts in mind. These 15 mins pranayama can help keep all the deadly diseases away and increase quality of your life. Try doing at least a 10 minute yoga practice every day for a week see how you feel at the end of the week. Yoga and Paranayama is good for your mind, body and soul. 


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