Viability in Era of Pandemic

Have you ever talked to a Wanderer yogi? Let me tell you, they are really Good with words, I heard one of them saying "A Touch can heal the Soul". When a child gets afraid, he holds his mother's hand tightly and that touch say's it all. But, now a touch comes with an 80–220 nm Virus as bonus package. Yes its the very familiar CORONA VIRUS which has the limelight these days. It will make you realize the most important thing for life, for what we feel least great full to have as its Free,  "BREATH".

Yes , we are now living in an Era of Virus Pandemic and it gives horrifying picture if seen on a Global level. The number of death toll is rising drastically.  In social media many provide an argument on this by saying that "The air is so clean and clear now that I am able to see the real face of my Ex👧", mocking at the situation. But people are really dying in my country because the number of infected are so high that the facilities fall short to give treatment to all the infected ones. They are not able to get ventilators ,doctors and bed in hospitals. In India, we have every version of God; short, big, cute, but its as if he is no mood to save us. And may be we all know the answer to why!! Suffering rises from the suffering. if you hurt some you will get hurt, if you kill some ,you will get killed."👹KARMA PAYS👹".

We have killed so many lives to make our king burger, and slaughtered many innocent lives to have our delicious MEALS. So by the law of karma we needed to pay, and exactly likewise we are paying, I can recall my mom say, "You will never feel someone's pain until the tear falls from your own eyes!!!".

Vegans, you must be having question then why us? Well brothers, its because you did nothing to stop it. If you see a crime being committed and do nothing then you are equally responsible as the criminal. So,  "well you are a criminal😈 too".

Here is short message to make you understand better. 

There is always a big fish in the pond. Karma pays!!!. If you watch and not do anything, you will loose yourself one day my friend.

But whats done is past and we always have present to act and make the future a happy story.Now let us all stop for a while, in this moment, and Play a game!!

You need to ThinkThinking emoji and and have to answer the below tabled Questions  as Yes 


for 5 marks or No❌ for -3 marks. Please take up the quiz honestly and evaluate yourself.

 Questions? Yes/No
Are you becoming the better version of Yourself everyday  
When you die, will you be able to say "bro! I rocked in my life"? 
Are you in good terms with your Friends and Family ❓ (Be very sure before answering this one.) 
Are you clear, that you are not assuming materialistic goods as real happiness  
Are you having enough emotion to feel one's pain and happiness even not being in their situation ❓ 
Are you making yourself count in someone's heart; if you diewill there be anyone who will really miss you 
Do you love yourself the most  
Do you feel alive Whatever you do,makes you feel existing 
 Total Marks (40) 

If your score is less than 20, then you need to start living right from this moment. Because the  bitter truth is the Heart Clock is ticking right now, but the very next moment it may stop. Life is too uncertain.

Many things you can Explore again:

  • volunteer, cook, music, exercise, camp inside home
  • Music
  • Nature Watching
  • Dance
  • Cooking
  • Talking to Friends and Family (Online if they stay away)
  • Read Books
  • Exercise 
  • Develop writing habit
  • Anime Watching and Manga Reading.(My personal favorite)
  • Start something new

    Explore anything that makes you happy and start doing it. Live life like you are to die tomorrow. And sleep satisfied.
Things we need to aviod Right now:-
  • shake hands, cover face while cough, don't touch masked face, stay 3ft away, check temperature

  • Crowd gathering
  • Lots of solitary time.
  • Depression
  • Unhealthy Food Habits
  • Getting dissolve with time.
  • Giving up on things

At the end I want to add that we all have eyes so that we can see each other and act accordingly, Help the needy ones, believe me you will feel happy from inside. Let us all be together in this hard time of the Pandemic. We are all sailing in the same ship and one day we will reach at the shore together. 

For any talk and consultation, you can reach me in the comments, I will be more than happy to reply.😊😊

     i am not lonely


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