What is Success? Result of continuous Practice of good habit

Habit is a double-edged sword which either raise you or destroy you.  In 1980, there was a case in US , where a 9 year boy, was caught by the local police, in the process of killing his neighbor's cat. When questioned he told that he usually saw his parents, hunting deer on weekly camps and at their house they used to kill the ducklings they raised in their farm for food, so he got the idea to hunt the cat. When this news got telecast, it became an eye opener and shock for many families.

Have good habits. Habits makes a man.

Children's habit often comes from what they see, listen or are told to do. It’s a process of imitating someone to learn their behavior, this trend can also be seen in young people who follow the looks, routine and journey of the celebrities and politicians. It helps them to get in contact of habits they want to have in their journey of desire, dreams or goals.

Japan has the best railway system in the world, whenever you board on Japanese train, note this thing that their conductor have a peculiar habit, they say aloud everything, like the “Signal is green”, “What is the speed of the train on departing”, “What is the timetable of train”. All the staff members also check the platform, the gate, the lights, everything and pronounce it aloud as "Checked". It is something similar to what we do when we go for travel, we make the checklist of things we need to carry and while leaving we often mark the checklist with “bag checked”, “Phone checked”, "ticket checked" and so on.

Japanese Point and Calling habit explained in detail.

This process is called Point-and-calling. It tells your mind and makes it conscious about the things, basically this is the habit to increase self-awareness. We tell our conscious that these are the things we are doing so the mind comes in a process of being alert to mark the habits or point our self to check.

How to decide the habits are good or bad?

Richard Branson, a business magnate, investor, author and former philanthropist and a founder of Virgin Group, has a habit of investing on small scale, which usually gives good results to him. Same habit gave a great loss to Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen at many times. This implies, there is no good or bad habit, there are only effective habits.

In a Nutshell, your health, wealth, happiness, fitness and success depend on your habits

Some habit makes you a human with steel wings other binds your leg of Progress, like that of elephant's, which is physically not much strong but is hard to break. Habits are chains of practices that are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. Choose wisely what you practice.

Generally speaking, habits are categorized as good or bad, based on their long run gross outcome. Good habit gives you a good aggregate outcome, negative gives you a overall bad outcome. Explaining this with an example: drinking or smoking may lighten you up at that time, but in long run, it affects your livers and lungs, thus a bad habit.

Smoking is bad habit
Smoking is a bad habit.

If you are still confuse to choose what is a good habit for you, ask yourself a simple question “Does this habit aids me to become the person I want to be?  Will the practice of this habit, lead me a step forward towards my aim?”. Habits that strengthen your desired identity are good and which degrade you as a human and from your desired identity, are bad.

Speech by APJ Abdul Kalam

Some achievers who practice Habits in daily life :

Habit Build Characters, and it depends on what you practice. Bill Gates is very well known, not only because of gigantic worth net revenue, nor for the donation he makes, but also because he is a great visionary practitioner. When he looks at the static he have a habit of analyzing the future, even in the early stages of the pandemic, he predicted that COVID-19 will emerge at large scale and will affect the  healthcare and  economy on a great level. He advised the US government to make the necessary preparations in advance. 

The above information tell us what good practice can result into. Practicing of habit and nurturing yourself on it is a long and patient process. Many tests have been conducted, by Neurological universities, on great people and they came to infer that each one of them practice the patience therapy in some or other way. Some do meditation and yoga, while other young ones go for trekking in forest and travel on long journeys.


There a very good story of Business habit practice, 

Richard Branson, who sells magazines and records, in his growing phases used to tell that to achieve success, we need to start the Preparation long before, we often feel we are ready to go on the Success path, but the path is not that easy to trod. Once upon a time he was travelling to Portugal, when he reached the airport he was informed that the flight got cancelled and the next flight is scheduled after 2 days. All the passengers of the flight got furious and started to complain to the airport authorities, meanwhile Richard took a chair in some corner and started to analyze the situation, after some time he took his phone and start calling private airlines companies for a plane , one of them responded that we can provide but it will cost $2000, Richard took out his pen and from one of the airport shop, took a chart and made a poster saying there is a Portugal flight available and the cost of ticket is $55. As the people found the ticket cheaper compared to the current airlines, they took it and around 50 people traveled. He reached Portugal and earned a profit of $750 after giving the airlines their money.  

Wherever people sight complainan entrepreneur makes business out of it  

"Start making your bed and change the world" by William H. McRaven, US Navy Admiral

How to develop good habits and break bad ones? 

On the New Year's day, most of us take resolution of losing weight, studying more, giving time to valuable things only but as the month of January ends we forget the resolution. We leave the paid subscription of gyms, do lots of investment on needless objects. Our will power gradually decreases on these things, because we see them as a work. There is a saying “If there is a sacrifice you need to do to gain a habit and you are sad about it, then in the long run, it will not last,”. It’s a balloon theory, you press the balloon at one place so the air goes into another area of the balloon 🎈. this pressing is similar to telling your mind to stay like this to maintain a practice, and if you do not feel good doing it, eventually you are going to give up and the balloon will get back to its original shape.


First find the reason, why you want to do it? Ask yourself, does it seem as sacrifice? Am I sad about it?

For example, Does going on a diet, waking up early for health, make you sad? If yes, then don’t do it until  you find it as a reason of your happiness.

        “No one in the world can fight himself for his whole life, some point one has to make peace.”

                                                                     Scoreable Practice 

It is a childlike practice for marking you habit but it is a good practice, note down your daily routine on a Paper and mark your every habit as + for positive and  -  for negative.

For an instance:-

Waking at 10 am
Doing brush and bath +
Checking phone in washroom
Watching tv in the morning -
Irregular breakfast
Study or work on academic related +
Playing games + (not for long time)
Spend time with  family +
Talking to friends +
Using phone at night in dark room
Reading books while sleeping +
Late sleep


Now separate the negative ones and replace them with what you want to have. Then give them points out of 10 according to its priority:

Waking at 10 am à  waking up early (5)

Checking phone in washroom à  idle, preparing for the day or some newspaper(3)

Watching tv in morning à exercise, meditate or yoga in morning(7)

Irregular breakfast à regular nutritious breakfast(7)

using phone at night à books or some thought about how the day went , was it fruitful or use phone with light on(4)

late sleep à Sleep on time before 12 am(5)


If some points collide, choose them on which interests you more, first.


Practice these habits slowly and steadily one at a time. you and your loved ones will be amaze to see the change in you. Every field and specification have their own peculiar habit. If your aim is to become a leader, practice problem solving by observing things and situation, generate your own ways to solve those issues.


Every successful person has his own journey of success, but things that are common with all of them are, they wake up early, are good observers and an opportunist.


How habits Formed and their breakage Results:

Peter Mark once said, “Habit not marked as observation for long time, on alerting behaves like addiction”, so those behavior which are not attentively observed by parents, teachers, friends or yourself can lead to your unconscious practice and habit. Whatever your body performs your mind remembers it. Having wrong groups can lead to trouble because of their habits,


To keep your habit checked, check the following things

What your group debates about? -> Great people discuss ideas, medium ones discuss people and ordinary people discuss themselves.

What you eat? -> What you eat is what you become.

What are those things or person, if does not happen unbalance your entire schedule? -> “If something affects you  to an great extent , then my friend you are destroyable”.

What you do in your free time? -> free time habit, is lifetime habit.


These things always play the key role in making your habits, keep these things in your daily plate and you are good to go in your life. Do not stress yourself or think it as another task in your daily routine. It is just being alert and self aware. Enjoy your habit as they are the best company you can have anytime. When you do better, you feel better. When the weather is good we feel good right? We feel energetic, refresh and happy. So if you want to be productive you need to keep your social weather inside and the actual strength or the highest value is the power to choose your attitude in situations over which you have no control. That is the last human freedom where your response to the action generates the stimulus.


Thank you, for reading this blog, let us know how you found it and share your experience about your habits with us.

 An alert or awake person ,can never be demolished by any calamities of life.

7 Habits by Jannah Bolin




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