Shiva literally means “that which is not” (Vasudeva 2003); Shiva means “nothing”; Shiva is the nothingness from which everything has come. ... Shiva has no form, but Shiva takes form of everything that we and all perceive”.

Do not confuse this blog with any religious blog. With the mentioned description, we want to show our readers, some glimpse of what Shiv portrays. To understand the below writing, you do not need to be Atheist or it also does not matter from which religion you belong or in which God you have faith. It’s a journey of a Person, who saw the world, situations and knowledge better than us, which will guide you to deal with noise of the mind and convert everything to peace of the soul, which exists within you.

Questions which makes Shiv different from any other Hindu God:

·      Why in mythology is it said that Shiv was being worshiped by Gods as well as Demons?

·      Why is it said that he accepts any form of gift you offer, be it meat or fruit?

·      What does Shiv, his whole structure and third eye, portray?

·      Why is it believed that he drinks bhang or drink poison?

·      Why is “Om Namah Shivay” or Om used for meditation?

·      Why is Shiv's body half man and half women?

·      Why does Shiv dance when he gets angry?

Meaning of “Om” and "Om Namah Shivay". what does it symbolize?

Meaning of Om

The Breakdown of Om Namah Shivaya

Om – Before the existence of the universe, there was void, which is of pure existence and vibration less. Out of this void came vibration, which is known as Om. Then slowly the creation of the universe began.

Namah – Literally, it means to bow or adoration.

Shivaya – Shiva or the inner Self.

universal oneness of five elements.->Meaning that “universal consciousness is one

·      Na – Earth

·      Mah – Water

·      Shi – Fire

·      Va – Air

·      Ya – Sky or ether

Om Namah Shivaya in chakras

The “NA” drops into the first chakra, the foundation place which embodies earthiness and solidity. It has a lot to do with survival issues on an emotional level, the right to belong and to have. It is found at the base of the spine between the anus and genitals.

The “MA” rises to the second chakra, represented by the water element and issues around sexuality on an emotional level, the right to feel and to desire. It is located a little below the navel.

The “SI” rises to the third chakra, or jeweled city and is located in the solar plexus. The element is fire and emotional issues center around themes of personal power, the right to act, and stand in one’s power.

The “VA” rises a little further to the fourth chakra or heart center. The element is air. This chakra is the first to move beyond the lower three densities of the animal soul and allows an opening to love, the right to love and be loved.

The “YA” resonates in the fifth chakra or throat center and is associated with the ether and space. It often deals with issues around expression, the right to speak and be heard.

Description of the chakras
The Chakras

What does shiv with his whole structure portray?

Wisdom is beyond the mind, but it needs to be expressed with a tinge of mind and this is symbolized by the crescent moon

Rudraksha -> beads denote Purity.

3rd eye-> denotes many things in various literature. The third eye symbolizes destruction of evil and ignorance, if opened it reduces the person in vision to ashes.

the Ganges-> signify the flow of scriptural teachings from one generation to the next.

the Tiger Skin -> symbolizes fearlessness.

Ash -> it portray that we all are made from 5 elements and one day we are going to become a part of it.

Shiv's whole posture: dress, symbolize the wisdom we need in our life, moon symbolizes, our head should be as cool as moon, snake symbolize that we need to be alert every time and be in our consciousness all the time. In many mythologies, it is also said that Shiv contain poison in his throat and snakes share those and also bind his neck to restrict the poison to get inside his body, which means our words can be a poison for someone but it is up to us that we allow them to go inside us or not.

Trident symbolizes that, we all in our life will wake up sometime, aware of our action and its result, dream, imagine and keep hopes in hard times for good and sleep, it signifies tiredness as well as relaxes, in some point of life we may get tired or stop to think what we are really doing.

Drum also signify many things and according to Vedas, it symbolizes the chanting of Vedas. It is the most melodious music in the universe, it also explains the expansion and contraction of the Universe.

Bull says that when we are correct, whole universe work in our favor, there is some energy that keeps the flow of right and wrong. Yin and Yang(yin and yang).

The symbolic representation of Moon, Bull, Snake, Trident, Third Eye, Drum

Why is Shiv's body half man and half women?

This form represents the synthesis of two universal energies into a single icon. They signify the eternal unification of the male and female and prove that one cannot exist without the other. In current society where we judge our partner based on their behavior, color, look and most of people believe that they are better than women.

We, the members of male dominated society, signify women, as a symbol of weakness, be it is physically or emotionally. We believe our effort or contribution is more important in the family, society or relation than of a women. We forget that we all are part of the same soul, just because we have some body shell of different shape, color and gender, does not mean, we classify ourselves different from one another.

But, Shiv portrays a spiritual form where he portrays that both are part of each other equally and both are equally in every form, he respects what his partner does and also support her. Shiv has the ability to see past, present and future but even then he was not able to stop his wife (Sati) to attend her father’s ritual where due to disrespect of her husband she left to burn her body alive (Sati Atmadahan).

Ardhanareswar State of the Shiv

Why Shiv Drink Poison and Bhang?

Today's world follows a lot of trends, which they believe is created or followed by God also. For ex : Bali Pradan (Sacrifice of animal), hurting self (Muharram Self Flagellation) or drinking bhang, or Ganja (weed). Vam Margi people used these intoxicants to get near awakening experience and then they practiced meditation to awaken Shushubna Nadi, so they also offered the same to Shiva and these people did also visit Shiva temple and offer him these Dhatura and Cannabis. People in due course of time saw these people around the temple and started believing that shiv also consume the same. 

Shiv is from other dimension and possess Saguna and Nirguna facets, he can stay formless and can take many forms, drinking and eating is not required.He is a form of energy which can take any shape and remain shapeless.

Regarding poison, it portrays that word are most poisonous thing in the world, it does not exist in  mind or body, it exist in the word, when you speak, your words can heal someone's soul or strike some wound.

Neck portrays the vocal organ where sounds are generated, so it is up to you, what you keep in your throat. Today we talk about many things, people, society, culture, and what not, but the way of resonation matters. So try to be soft, speak in that way, which you want to hear. Words contain the flow of water  and its temperature which may chill your mind or boil it. So think before you spit the poison.

 “A word is not a sword, until it is not said

The Shiv did not consume meat. He accepted it.

Does Shiv Eat Meat?

Today when the world is finding nutrients for their abs and muscles in someone who is alive, this question crosses their minds, does Shiv says that eating meat is acceptable? First thing first, we must know the difference between comfort and need. I will explain this with a short example: Lion eat meat, that is his need for survival but a man or woman with a good healthy body eats “KFC chicken Hamburger” , just for taste and comfort. If you are prescribed by doctor to have meat because of your body, sure have it! But if you are healthy and can consume energy from vegetables keep that as first option.

Shiv accept meat, not eat meat, there is a difference. Whatever you offer him with pure heart and belief, he accepts it. Unfortunately, today we designate someone's contribution based on how much he donates money, how expensive gifts he gives.

We ask people what they do, so that we can decide how much respect we need to give them

A bird's life gets saved by some drops of water you keep on your roof. When someone need blood in hospital, every drop counts. There are also people in the world who help you because in some point of life they can get that help back from you. So no matter what and how much you give, it always comes down to what is his intention,? what is his  state of mind?, what is his expectation in return? and what he is sacrificing to offer you that help?. Find people who genuinely are yours, ex your parents who give their whole life span to nurture you and some good friends and partner who stay with you with no matter what happens with you.

Shiv accepting meat
Shiv accepting meat from his devotees 

Why in mythology it said that shiv is being worshiped by god as well as Demons?

Lord Shiva never favored anyone over the other. He was silent observant of Churning process. He has punished Devas and Asuras when any misdeeds are done by any of the groups. He is referred as Bholenath, which means easily pleased one, gave boons without discriminating between them. He purely relies on one’s determination and meditation. He is a naive and an innocent God, who does not worry about future consequences..Shiv give life saving mantra “Mruthanjaya mantra”, Shukra used the Mruthanjaya mantra effect to get back life into dead Asuras which nullified with Immortality of Devas.

This short description about Shiv sighted that no one is born good or bad, everyone is the fruit of their own karma, we all cut someday what we sowed. So irrespective of its religion, color, gender or believe we need to understand that we all are one. Today we divide the society on uncountable things and then we judge and label each other on that basis. That is where the problem lies, we feed our generation our thought process rather than knowledge.

Knowledge does not belong to any class, those who know it, they make their class in the world

We also worry for our future, which never occurred, we worry about that, if you think clearly and calmly, you will really find it so ill logical. Let it occur first, preparation is good but worrying about the consequences is not.

If you understand these basic but most important thing, believe me you are  most “Purest and shiniest ” in the world. everyone will love you and you will love the life. If you think, life is not that hard, we and our mind makes it.

Shiv going for his marriage with Demons and Gods
Shiv going for his marriage with all gods and demons

Why does Shiv dance when he gets angry? 

                                               Meaning of Nataraja

Theoretical aspect

The cosmic dance of Shiva Symbolizes the interplay of dynamic and static divine energy flow, containing the five principle of eternal energy-creation, preservation, destruction, illusion and emancipation. The ‘Lasya’ or the gentle form of his dance, known as ‘Aananda Tandavam’ or dance of bliss is associated with the creation of the world, after its total destruction. Shiva’s two different cosmic dances take place in one’s ‘Chidambaram’ or in the sky of the mind, portrayed as the center of consciousness situated at the altar of one’s heart.

Scientific expect

Fritjof Capra, in his book ‘The Tao of Physics’ paid due tribute to the Hindu view of matter and established its linkage with modern physics with empirical research in 1972. He observed the linkage between the ancient Vedic mythology, religious symbolism, art and modern physics: “Every subatomic particle not only does an energy dance, but is also an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction...without end...For the modern Physicists, then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter.

The European Center for Research in Particle Physics in Geneva-CERN had unveiled in 2004 the two metre-tall statue of Nataraja, the form of Shiva depicted in dance pose. The dancing Indian deity, representing the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction also depicts the dynamics of subatomic particles, the basis of creation of the universe that is being researched by physicists around the world.

Psychological aspect

Shiva is in the Bhujangatrasita karana pose—meaning “frightened by a snake“—with his left leg held across his body at hip level, and every element contains a deep meaning. Roughly, Shiva is here at once seen creating and destroying existence; offering the escape hatch from this constant chaos; and, finally, revealing the clue to that escape hatch, which is to subdue ignorance.

Nataraja Image
Shiv Nataraja

The following are the five most important elements, indicating the Panchakritya, or five key acts of the Nataraja

Srishti or creation: The Nataraja’s rear left arm carries the hourglass-shaped drum, damuru, the vibrations of which create the universe. Some conflate this with the Big Bang of cosmic creation.

Samhara or destruction: The raised, rear right-hand carries the fire that atrophies matter to a formless state, only for regeneration. In that sense, it is the fire of transformation, not destruction. It implies constant change, echoing the Buddhist precept of  “There’s no being, only becoming.

Sthithi or maintenance/protection: The open palm of the forehand indicates an assurance: There is nothing to fear about constant cosmic overhaul; change is normal and I’m here to protect you.

Tirobhava or concealment: The hidden lower-left palm pointing downwards says he’s the creator of maya, illusion or the veil of ignorance.

Anugraha or blessing or liberation: The raised left foot, combined with the closed hand, signifies the option available before the seeker: moksha or liberation from ignorance and, by implication, form the cycle of birth and death.

A few more elements complement the idea of Panchakritya. These are:

Muyalaka or Apasmara: This dwarf demon at the Nataraja’s feet represents the evils of ignorance and ego, to be trampled upon if one must rise to a higher plane of self-actualization.

Circle of fire: The frame around Nataraja is maya, illusion, as experienced through the cyclical phenomenon of birth & death.

Yet, for all the esoteric ideas attributed to him, the dancing lord likely has more earthly origins.

Concluding myself on who accept you on your End (Death):

We are not saying to worship lord Shiva, it's totally your choice but he does portray some good things, that we should learn from him. God exists to teach us. ”If worship is not making you a good person, then it is not teaching you correctly”, always try to know your culture, rituals and what is teaches because rituals may differ but teaching remain same all over the world. Shiv lives like no one who accept everyone ,

There is saying, "who raise you is more respectable than who gave birth to you", so he who accept you when your loved ones leave you after death because you loose the ability to move and response, but Shiv accept you at Samsan, so he must be good at some point right? Give it a Thought.


Lord Shiv teaches the true behavior of a man



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